Want to cancel your Vivielle VIP Club membership? Fill out the simple form below and write “Cancel My Membership” in the Message area and a member of our team will cancel your membership before your next billing.
Money-Back Guarantee
At Vivielle Boutique, your satisfaction is our priority. We proudly offer a "Satisfaction Guaranteed or Your Money Back" policy to ensure you feel confident with every purchase.
If for any reason you're not happy with your order, please contact us 24/7 directly at or call us at (828) 888-0474, available every day, 9 AM to Midnight EST.
Our dedicated team is here to assist you with returns, exchanges, or any issues you may have.
Cancellation Policy
We want your experience with us to be as seamless as possible. If you wish to cancel your Vision Fund Subscription at any time, you may do so without any questions asked. Simply by one of the following ways:
• Fill out the Cancel Subscription form on our website
•Email us at